In response to a question about how to create an iOS view dynamically on the basis of JSON response from a server, I wrote a lengthy response, which the OP up voted and accepted. Frankly, I thought the question may not have been very good (a little ambiguous, no code samples or JSON extracts, etc.), but I actually took some pride in deciphering what the OP was trying to ask and created what I thought was a well-considered answer.
Now, my original answer was flagged as "not an answer, but a comment". That may have been a valid criticism of my original reply, but I had already expanded the answer within a minute or two with the initial code sample. Over the next hours, I had come back several times and had significantly expanded the answer further, adding additional code samples, documentation references, etc.
The OP apparently thought my answer was helpful, because he had both accepted and up-voted my answer. But this evening, well after the fact, a moderator deleted my answer. I've been here on SO long enough that I think I appreciate what makes a good answer and what doesn't. But I'm mystified by the decision to delete my answer, and would appreciate people's thoughts. I thought I did a good job answering the question as concretely as possible, especially in light of the question's complete lack of specifics. I thought I answered the OP's question as well as I could have (and the OP clearly thought I answered his question, too). I care less about the lost reputation than just understanding, given the nature of the question, what was unacceptable about my answer.
So, in short, the question was "how do I dynamically add controls to a view based upon a JSON response, rather than having eight hard coded views for all of the different permutations of the possible JSON responses?". My answer was essentially "add the controls programmatically; let me show you how".