"Constantipolitan," the name of a hat on the Winter Bash page, looks like a typo to me (although I don't blame anybody for mis-typing such a long and rarely used word). Shouldn't it be Constantinopolitan?
5 Answers
It's supposed to be a portmanteau of Constantinople and cosmopolitan — because Fez hats were worn by Turkish people, and because fezzes are cool. Also, I didn't know it was a real word.
Technically, yes, it should probably be Constantinopolitan. But in my opinion, Constantipolitan is easier to say and kind of rhymes with itself. :)
We'll "fix" the spelling — no one knew it was a real word! Thanks for pointing that out everyone.
2The "cosmopolitan" part is rather hard to guess because of "aliasing" issues with the ending of "constantinopolitan". I think that "Cosmontinopolian" would have been easier to "parse" :) Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 16:05
What's wrong with
cosmopolitan Constantinopolian
? Orcompletely cosmopolitan Constantinopolian
– PekkaCommented Dec 19, 2012 at 16:55 -
Constanti-mopolitan?– user200500Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 16:16
@dasblinkenlight: Fun fact: parsing applies to natural languages too, no need for the quotes ;)– BoltClock's a Unicorn ModCommented Dec 28, 2012 at 16:49
@BoltClock'saUnicorn Right... At some point, my programming mentality settled in so deeply that I almost convinced myself that a kilometer is 1024 meters. On the other hand, I'm sure some linguists probably think that a kilobyte is 1000 bytes :) Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 17:12
I agree, for me too, it looks like a typo, and when I tried to search for its meaning, Google suggested me Constantinopolitan, but I don't know if there is anything to do to change that now.
Congratulations, this post has just earned you a "Constantipolitan" hat :) Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 15:36
5I see ... but I would have preferred the Constantinopolitan one ;)– AdiniaCommented Dec 19, 2012 at 15:38
Yes, the correct word should be Constantinopolitan. It comes originally from Constantine who was a Roman emperor. Before that the city was known under the name of Byzantium. Subsequently, the city was then renamed Constantinopolis ("Constantine's City" or Constantinople in English). In this case Constantinopolitan means, people that who lives in Constantinople or Constantinopolis in Latin.
If you look at the meaning of polis, you will see that Polis literally means city in Greek.
According to this, when we dig into to recent history, Turkey City Name Changes 28th March 1930, Two of Turkey's largest cities change their names ( Constantinople and Angora ). The City of Constantinople is changed to Istanbul The City of Angora is changed to Ankara. (If you want to get an idea about the names list of Istanbul, you may check out Istanbul)
Fezzes were cool :) I agree with that. It is cool until we approach that as a cultural inheritance :) If we want to get more information about Fez, we recognize that not the only Turkish people were into that. Interestingly enough, the article says that 'The fez is a part of the traditional clothing of Cyprus'.
I strongly believe that, having 'Constantinopolitan' hat is a good thing that if you want to know what it is all about. It's beyond its meaning. It's an ancient word :)
I actually prefer the mis-spelling - it is easier to pronounce (not that its a word I will be using too often verbally)
Yeah I find the correct spelling more natural to pronounce only because I've never come across the misspelling :P– BoltClock's a Unicorn ModCommented Dec 28, 2012 at 17:13
Myself, I assumed it was meant to be read as "constant-ipolitan"... implying, perhaps, that on Meta all members are declared constant--read-only, able to look but not change anything.
now returns Meta.SO results :-)