Consider the following text:
Location: \\documentation
You'll notice the above only has a single backward slash before the IP address. Here's how the exact same text looks when I put it in a code block:
Location: \\\documentation
For some reason the first line truncates one of the leading backward slashes while the 2nd does not.
You can see this behavior displayed on this question. It ended up not being relevant to the guy's problem, but this could easily cause some confusion.
I've checked the Markdown Editing help page and don't see this being a result of some formatting rule.
Is this a bug?
[Lots of \[\[\[\]\]\]](
is necessary for escaping purpose.\
is a pretty common escape character, and it’s the one used in Markdown (for example\*asterisk’d\*
will render surrounded by asterisks, not italicized). Code blocks disable Markdown.