Today, on C.SE, I reviewed some 'Late Answers' and First Posts. I was not even near my daily vote limit. And yet, I was given a message that said
comments disabled on deleted / locked posts / reviews
It seems I was not the only one either: Why are comments now disabled on "first posts" reviews?
The workaround, of course, was simply to go back and provide the guidance - but was this a design or a bug? If it is design, why would you want to discourage the feedback? Especially with first posts, there is often a high percentage of 'didn't read the FAQ' usage, which can best be addressed by gently providing guidance. (e.g. "Unfortunately, this doesn't answer the question" or "This reads like a comment" or "This really isn't on-topic here - can I suggest you checkout our [faq]" etc...) Timely first post guidance goes a long way towards making good users.
If it was a bug, was other functionality silently rolled out?
comments disabled on deleted / locked posts / reviews
suggests that this was a deliberate change (not a bug), since "reviews" seems unlikely to have ended up in that list by mere happenstance. Though why anyone would want to deliberately maim the review interface in that way is beyond me...