Good day ladies and gentlemen, I wonder how hard would it be to implement the possibility of accepting multiple answers, IT-wise. It arguably does happen that there is more than one good answer and there is no reasonable way to say that one is better than another. Accepting just one (usually based on throwing an n-sided die) because system doesn't allow you otherwise, is a solution I'd call a hack, were I programming it :)
Of course, this question is not terribly important, so feel free to close. But I think it would make things go more smoothly on many occasions. It might also lower the number of requests for community wiki (which usually arise because someone yells "There is no correct answer here!!!").
Is it worthwhile to try to implement the feature of being able to select multiple correct answers?
Relatedly, is there a discussion anywhere whether it would not make sense to alter voting/accepting system (in whatever way)? We are all familiar with 3pt answer being accepted and 100pt crawling somewhere under it (which is especially sad state of affairs when the 3pt answer is long). Or is everybody just so used to all these quirks you don't care anymore? :)