Emacs is a console-based text editor. It is known for seeming simple and actually being sometimes hard to work with. GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler) is a compiler for Emacs that has certain features that are valuable, which the OP mentioned.
Emacs is also popular among programmers, but it is apparently hard to find other code that integrates seamlessly without doing a bunch of work to get it to be perfect.
It seems that this problem of trying to get GHC in Emacs is shared by lots of people. It is about "[a] software tool commonly used by programmers", so I wouldn't say it is off topic.
All in all, I would chalk this up to being out of your area of expertise. I sometimes take crack shots at areas that are outside of my expertise, but only on answers and never in review queues.
Also, if something seems bad about a question, and it doesn't fall into any of the close vote categories, then just downvote. No need to create an issue if there isn't one in the first place.