Atm, if you want to view the Markdown source of a question/answer (on SO/SF/SU/MSO at least, probably all stack exchange sites), you have 4 options:
- Gain enough rep to edit posts, then click the edit button.
- Hope it is CW, and have enough rep to edit CW posts, and click the edit button.
- Wait for the OP to edit the post, and click the edited link to view revisions, then view source.
- (Horrible kludge this one). Either manually or via Greasemonkey go to, then click view source. For example, for this question:
Would it be possible to have a view source button for those of us who cannot edit questions in the place where the edit button would be if we could? After all, it's those with less rep (and therefore less experience) who are more likely to need Markdown help.