The initial definition of (Internet) "spam" was "unsolicited promotional email (and other media)". However, probably due to the frequency and volume of spam, the word "spam" has aquired a verbal definition of "rapidly sending numerous messages".
I have heard usages such as:
- the user was spamming the Halo server with pings
- he was spamming me with txt (the messages themselves were not spam, but they were being sent in a "spam like" manner)
Dispute the spam flag's description being quite clear as to its meaning:
it is spam
This answer is effectively an advertisement with no disclosure. It is not useful or relevant, but promotional.
Users are ignoring this and applying the term to posts that are just plain garbage. Admittedly, the action taken is the same: Delete!
However the effect of the user is a spam "demerit" point, when really the post, while annoying and useless, was not offensive or pernicious. A more appropriate flag would be "not an answer" or "low quality", etc.
This happens quite a lot - in my experience, most posts flagged as spam are actually just garbage.
Is it worth distinguishing these cases, possibly adding another "it is garbage" reason? Should moderators decline the flag? (before deleting the post)