Is there a site that I can ask about topics regarding bringing someone to the US?
Both my wife and I are US Citizens with passports, etc. My mother-in-law is in Iraq and I contacted a lawyer regarding bringing her here. She mentioned two methods. One is to get her through the UN (a long process) and the other is through application/visa which would allow her to apply for asylum or apply for a visa (not sure which). The issue is the lawyer is very expensive. We are talking about tens of thousands of dollars. We don't want to go through the United Nations because the process could take over 15 years...So I want to bring her here using the second method.
On the other hand she mentioned you have the right to bring her which means I should be able to do this without a lawyer, so I wanted to ask questions to find out what process I need to take.
Is there a site I can ask such questions.