We've decided that we won't be working on this project. Sorry to all the people who were in favour of it.
[Related: Two factor authentication for Stack Exchange]
So, over the last couple of weeks, I built a bare-bones two-factor authentication system for Stack Exchange OpenID. Currently, it only supports:
It does not currently support:
- Logging in via our sites, Careers, mobile apps, etc.
- SMS-based code generation or recovery
- Any other integration with our sites
Before we ship this feature, we probably want to finish at least the site login/integration and SMS stuff. So the questions are:
- Would people actually use two-factor authentication for Stack Exchange OpenID if we completed this feature?
- What other features should we implement before this would be considered a completed two-factor authentication system?
Your input will help us determine whether to continue with the project or shelve it. :-)