As of 25 May 2015, Skeptics Stack Exchange not is inserted in the Science section by Stack Exchange:
While not being exactly a science site, this website exists to apply scientific skepticism on scientific topics, examples:
- Has man walked on the Moon?
- Is the Earth 6000 years old?
- Do human activities contribute to climate change?
- Demonstrable and repeatable examples of evolution
- Was the experiment with five monkeys, a ladder, a banana and a water spray conducted?
- Does hot water freeze faster than cold water?
- Do cats always land on their feet?
- Are personal electronics a risk to commercial aviation?
- Can bullets fired into the air kill a person when they fall?
- Are old glass panes thicker on the bottom due to "flow"?
- Did an F-15 airplane successfully land with just one wing?
- Will a bullet be split in half if it hits a butter knife that is fixed in place?
- And so on..
And so on. Most of our questions involve topics including: biology - physics - chemistry - zoology and so on...
On this website, we strictly practice:
questioning whether claims are supported by empirical research and have reproducibility, as part of a methodological norm pursuing "the extension of certified knowledge"
History of Science and Mathematics is listed in the Science section, it is not a science itself, but it is highly related to science. Same thing goes with Skeptics Stack Exchange.
Will you please move Skeptics Stack Exchange to the science section? If you reject this feature request, would you explain why Philosophy and History of Science and Mathematics quality to be added in the science section but Skeptics doesn't?