Edit: There looks to be enough interest to make this effort worthwile. Check out the new article for the DevDays audio. I will be updating that post as new presentations are available.
I took a bunch of audio yesterday and I'll put it on my blog if anyone wants it. I tried to take some video but it didn't really turn out that well. Hopefully I can get the slides from some of the speakers.
Here's the speaker list: http://stackoverflow.carsonified.com/events/austin/
EDIT: I thought this went without saying, but I'll say it anyway. I'll stream/let you download the audio files for free. No gimmicks, no advertisements, no catch... I just want to share the great content (especially to those of you who couldn't make it).
Update: I emailed every speaker and asked explicit permission to post their talk. Jason Cohen already gave his approval and I'm waiting on everyone else.