I had 2 flag declined (for marking these two posts low quality: 1 and 2 - which I still believe they are) and having that, I've the error message, when I want to flag another question as part of the review queue (First Posts):
Too many of your recent flags have been declined - please review them instead of flagging this post!
I understand I should wait a week, so the error disappear it-self, but how do I now flag questions during review queue?
Currently every option is greyed out and if I don't have possibility to flag the questions, there is no point of doing review queues. Is that the expected behaviour? I could down-vote (which I believe it should work in most of the cases), but I prefer to use flag functionality.
Is there any other workaround?
To compare other queues, seems Low Quality Posts queue works fine (Recommend Deletion), despite my flag limitation therefore I believe this should work in similar way for First Posts.
So I'm finding this a bit inconsistent.
Is it because I don't have enough reputation to close the question (3k at SU)? Then I wouldn't have this issue? Is there anything here to improve how the things works?
My logical explanation is, if I am able to Recommend a Deletion, I should clearly be able to mark the post as a low quality also.