In comments here on Meta SE I can use the magic link [so] to link to https://stackoverflow.com.

Consequently, I would have expected the magic link [meta.so] to link to https://meta.stackoverflow.com but that magic link does not seem to be available.

Can it be added, please?

  • 9
    I think this specifc feature should be expanded into a broader request for more, more consistent magic links, but I would enjoy this as-is.
    – cat
    Commented Apr 13, 2016 at 12:29
  • 1
    Thanks for the bounty @cat - I figure that this is the missing magic link with the highest profile so the best place to start asking for more.
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Apr 13, 2016 at 12:33
  • Do magic links support linking to questions/answers?
    – Moshe
    Commented Apr 15, 2016 at 23:10
  • @Moshe Not as far as I know; I use the share button beneath them to grab those links.
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Apr 15, 2016 at 23:26
  • 4
    Given that you can already use e.g. [meta.gaming.SE] to link to Arqade Meta, the fact that this doesn't work for the SOFU trilogy sites seems like a simple oversight that should be fixed. Commented Apr 30, 2016 at 19:16
  • @cat: I guess you didn't see what happened to meta.stackexchange.com/questions/230398/… ?
    – SamB
    Commented Sep 19, 2016 at 15:35
  • 1
    What's worse is that [metaso] links to Meta Stack Exchange and not to Meta Stack Overflow as you would expect. Commented May 18, 2018 at 19:36
  • @DonaldDuck I suspect that's due to that magic link being established before the meta April 2014 MSO-MSE split: prior to that, this site was known as Meta Stack Overflow (the current Meta.SO was newly established at that time). Commented Feb 22, 2022 at 19:55
  • Just testing whether some of the following works in comments (I have already tried that they do not work in chat): [meta.so] [meta.so] and [so.meta] [so.meta] [meta.sf] [meta.sf] and [sf.meta] [sf.meta] [meta.su] [meta.su] and [su.meta] [su.meta] [mathoverflow.meta.se] [mathoverflow.meta.se] and [meta.mathoverflow.se] [meta.mathoverflow.se]. This one works: [meta.ubuntu.se] Ask Ubuntu Meta.
    – Martin
    Commented Jan 5 at 11:40

3 Answers 3


Given that this already works for every per-site meta except for meta.SO, meta.SU and meta.SF (and, presumably, meta.pt.SO and the other localized SO metas), I'm pretty sure that this is just a simple oversight that should be fixed.

(For example, typing [meta.gaming.SE] into a comment expands into a link to Arqade Meta. See this comment above for a live demonstration.)

  • 2
    I guess MathOverflow is another exception. [mathoverflow.se] gives MathOverflow, but [meta.mathoverflow.se] does not work: [meta.mathoverflow.se].
    – Martin
    Commented Apr 29, 2020 at 12:46

I agree with the comment of 'cat' that this feature request would be great to have, but there is so much more to add to.

I would love to see the magic link feature work over the entire network in a consistent way. I would love to see these magic links implemented:

  • [main]: this would link to the main site, so on Stack Overflow or Meta Stack Overflow it would like to http://stackoverflow.com.
  • [meta]: this would link to the per-site meta site, so on Stack Overflow or Meta Stack Overflow it would like to http://meta.stackoverflow.com.

It this way you can link to any site within the own scope.

You could even take that further by assigning a code to every site so you can link the sites from another site in the network. So so. for Stack Overflow would make [so.main]. Seasoned Advice would be something like [cooking.main].

  • Where do we define abbreviations? Is AskDifferent ad or apple? Commonly used names or sub domain?
    – Moshe
    Commented Apr 15, 2016 at 23:09
  • 1
    @Moshe I would expect [apple.se] to expand to Ask Different, which it does, so try typing it into a comment to see that it works (once the comment is saved).
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Apr 15, 2016 at 23:27
  • [meta.main] should link to meta.stackexchange.com.
    – AAM111
    Commented Apr 17, 2016 at 21:28
  • @OldBunny2800 [meta.se] links to Meta Stack Exchange. [metaso] also does, which doesn't make sense. Commented Aug 18, 2017 at 9:04

I've made a 'Magic links enhancer' userscript to make magic links more useful across all SE sites.

It uses @M'vy's idea of having a basic format of [SITE:type:id], and works the same way across the network.

Links are expanded at POST time, so readers don't need to have the extension installed to see or use the links.


  • SITE is SF, SO, SU, meta, metaSU with default to the current site
  • type can be user, post, faq with default to post
  • id can be the id of a post, of an user and anchor a HTML anchor like in the FAQ, or a comment, or a anwser.

You can only use default values from the left. If you specify SITE you have to specify all.

(quoted from his post)

SITE can be su, so, sf, or any other SE site by using their API sitename (the thing before .stackexchange.com), eg. [pets], [chess] will expand to the link to that site.

type (followed by anchor) can be user (followed by user id), post (followed by post id), help (followed by help page name in URL), or priv (followed by priv name in URL).

Install it from GitHub Gist

(or view the source)

Examples (if posted in a comment on this site):

  • [274240] => [Adding magic link for Meta Stack Overflow?](https://meta.stackexchange.com/q/274240)

  • [so:post:1732348] => [RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags](http://stackoverflow.com/q/1732348)

  • [so:post:1732454] => [RegEx match open tags except XHTML self-contained tags](http://stackoverflow.com/a/1732454)

  • [meta.so:post:321111] => [How to help less-skilled developers?](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/q/321111)

  • [user:260841] => [ᔕᖺᘎᕊ](https://meta.stackexchange.com/users/260841/%e1%94%95%e1%96%ba%e1%98%8e%e1%95%8a)

  • [pets:priv:trusted-user] => [trusted user](//pets.stackexchange.com/help/privileges/trusted-user)

  • [stackapps:help:dont-ask] => [Help Center](//stackapps.com/help/dont-ask)

  • [help:dont-ask] => [Help Center](http://meta.stackexchange.com)

  • [meta.so] => [Meta Stack Overflow](//meta.stackoverflow.com)


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