I had 2 accounts, e.g:

Account 1 having : 1000 reputation.
Account 2 having : 50 reputation. 

After merging these two: the reputation while on the Stack Overflow site shows the updated Reputation i.e. 1050, whereas in chat it shows reputation as: 1000.

  • Not really a bug. Chat never supported merging of the parent account, usually it just cause the chat profile to break until a developer manually fix it, so consider yourself lucky. :) Commented Nov 21, 2016 at 10:34
  • @ShadowWizard : No but, as a user perspective it of course is a bug. Wherein we are just are comparing the Better version of the Bug which is occurring. Ideally this doesn't match the Expected behavior. Though this might be a low priority, but important thing is If not known, then it should be on the List, as we being the Patrons of SO. :)
    – bhuvin
    Commented Nov 21, 2016 at 11:55


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