Should down voters be notified about your improvements? It seems like the who down votes your post will not come back and see what you have done.
My Reasons
For many new users like me, we do not automatically understand the the right approach to ask questions. (So we deserve to be down voted for that reason). But as we read and understand feedback from other experienced users, we can improve our post. But the down votes we received from previous newbie mistakes has already impacted us.
1. We are already in the verge of question ban after our first question.
2. We risk to get question banned if we want to ask another question.
3. Down voters who don't leave feed back does not allow new users to understand what is needed to be improved.
4. It would take some time for down voted post to gain some positive votes.
//by that time, the answer you were seeking for is less valued.
As a Simliar Post that has the simliar mindset.
Lastly, If your post is receiving many down votes with no reasoning, should you delete your post or continue revising and take the risk of losing asking question privileges?