A few days ago someone serial-downvoted my questions:
It didn't bother me too much, and I let the serial voting script to reverse the downvotes, and it did - Except of one question:
One downvote is not the end of the world, so I just moved on. But today however, I noticed something strange on my reputation summary - An undownvote event on that remaining downvoted question:
I posted that question on Dec 2013 and it has never been edited. I wonder how could this scenario be possible, to undownvote after 4 days since the vote was originally cast. Or maybe it was the leftovers of the voting script that was reversed 3 days later?
I searched for similar questions and come across Serial downvote reversals don't always appear as such but the accepted answer confimed it was a bug that was fixed, so I'm confused by that delayed undownvote.