We are working on preparing the monthly report for the most active contributor in SharePoint StackExchange .

One of these statistics for the most editors and voters got it from the Users tab

enter image description here

Unfortunately, Users Tab show only the current week,month,quarter and year. and we can't get the historical information from this tab for last year, quarter and month!!

So could you please advise

  • How can I get this historical information from User Tab for all users per month, quarter and year?
  • Is there any parameters that we can pass it to https://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/users to get the previous month information
  • 1
    You mean edits and votes during 2017? (per user) Commented Jan 1, 2018 at 12:08
  • No bro, for all users, kindly check my updated question! Commented Jan 1, 2018 at 12:28

1 Answer 1


Statistics on voters is not possible via SEDE; votes are anonymized before they are made publicly accessible.

Editors might be possible. I'm not sure if edits to your own posts count for the 'league', but this query is based on something that comes very close to the numbers I see for my own account (on other sites). Note that SEDE is refreshed once a week, on Sunday morning, so edits on most of December 31st are not included yet. Congratulations, you're the winner:

enter image description here

For reference, here is the complete query. Feel free to fork it if you need the data for the last week / last year instead.

SELECT UserId AS [User Link], COUNT(*) AS [Number of edits]

SELECT UserId, CreationDate
  FROM PostHistory
  WHERE PostHistoryTypeId IN (4, 5, 6)
    AND CreationDate BETWEEN '2017-12-01' AND '2017-12-31'
  GROUP BY UserId, CreationDate
) AS edits


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