Yesterday I posted this answer, about 5 minutes after I clicked on the "Post Your Answer" button I got some comments from a mod.
In one of them he said I had edited my answer in the first 5 minutes after posted and so that edit won't show up on the edit history. The thing is that I didn't make any edits to the answer (before or after the first 5 minutes).
He was pretty convinced that I had done those edits, so now the only theory that I have is that he was able to see the draft of the answer while I was writing it, that would explain why he saw different versions of the answer (the parts he said I added were at the end of the answer, so that would make sense).
So the question is, can moderators see answer drafts from other users?
Note: some of the comments are now deleted, so only mods/staff would be able to see the full thread, but this question still can be answered without seeing the complete thread.