Alert! low rep user here! I'm trying to work on my rep by participating more around the StackExchange. It can be a little daunting though, writing a question and wondering if it will be well received... I was thinking if I could run an occasional idea by someone in chat, it might save me from writing a bad/duplicate/one-word-answer question, and I think would probably save everybody some time.
The problem is that at my current meta reputation level of 7, how am I supposed to achieve this? Do I post a comment somewhere? Do I post a whole new question?
So basically my question is, why is the required reputation for talk in chat
privilege still at 20 here in meta? Comment everywhere
has been lowered to 5, whereas it's usually at 50. Why is talk in chat
still 20?
Related: Why do this site's privileges' costs differ from all the other SE sites? Do the reputation limits make as much sense on meta?
Oops found it! Why do you need 25 reputation on Meta to use chat? although 8+ years old. is it still relevant? I swear i searched before posting...