I'd like to do know how to do the following:

Blockquote A

blank line that's not part of either block, visually distinguishing two different blockquotes

Blockquote B


Without adding a text in between it looks like:

Blockquote A

Blockquote B

I tried separating them by adding a line, like so:

Blockquote A

Blockquote B

But visually, I think this is misleading because it can imply that the quotes are from the same source (when they aren't per se). So I prefer to show a blank line between the blockquotes.


I've found a related question: How to add empty new line in block quote?. But these answers don't address what I want to do, I can't seem to find the way to do this seemingly simple trick. I've already looked into the Markup help, but I might be overlooking it. Any help is much appreciated!


3 Answers 3


I use the trick to add a <!> in between:

Blockquote A

Blockquote B

  • 1
    Accepting this one, because this way looks the most tight and is easy to remember. Also see these answers for more methods. Commented Jun 14, 2019 at 12:41
  • <!-- MD028/no-blanks-blockquote --> between them should work if you want to ignore the rule Another approach is to use backslash as a <br /> Commented Dec 2, 2023 at 12:59

Something like below I added &nbsp; in between.

Blockquote A


Blockquote B


<br> also work.

Blockquote A

Blockquote B

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