In the end of the current What is Flair? help page, there is a link to the profile settings page as https://meta.stackexchange.com/users/edit/current. Which is pointing to edit profile page then we need to select the Flair section to see the details.

Since we have a direct link to navigate to the Flair section as https://meta.stackexchange.com/users/flair.

So shall we update the direct link to Flair section in the help page?

Current content in the flair help page as:

For more information, log in and visit the Flair section of your profile's Site Settings.

Expected content which is something similar to this or better than this:

For more information, log in and visit to Flair section on your profile's settings page.

1 Answer 1


I've now edited the /help/flair Help Center page network-wide. In addition to updating the link, I did some copyediting and clarified some phrasing as well. The page now reads:

Flair is an image summarizing your accomplishments on $SiteName or the Stack Exchange network (your reputation, your badges, the top sites you've participated on), suitable for display on your own website – or printing out and pinning to a vest, if that's what you prefer.


To see what your flair looks like and how to use it, log in and go to the "Flair" page on the Settings tab of your profile.

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