I'm still trying to wrap my mind around AWS's services, IAMs, and service roles. I have a general idea of how I should set up my services and users for authentication, but it's a hazy idea. I don't have any code because I haven't tried anything yet (I've poked around the documentation, and the services we'll use were created by someone else), which makes me think SO is a bad place to ask my question.
My question essentially has an input of an architecture diagram of what I want to happen, and a desired output of which AWS services, IAM users, and service roles are required to implement my design.
Which site should I use, or is Stack Exchange a bad place to ask in the first place?
This is not a duplicate of Where can I ask questions on cloud computing? because I am asking about a specific service with a specific question in mind, while the linked question is asking about which sites to ask about any cloud-computing question. Further, my question isn't about cloud computing, the technology; it's about the AWS service, how to use the software.