It's not a secret that SE is running with multiple issues, the unfortunate loss of moderators like Aza which get escalated into the directions which nobody wanted, and the SOpocalypse. Now after a day of absence, I see a mail of getting to 100k rep on which I was not expecting this soon.
Now I remember childhood incidents where I will get injured and mom will give me a cookie to calm me down. Of course, a cookie can't fix the injury and is only there to distract me from the pain.
So what is this? A cookie so we forget about Monica, Aza, and the unsafe environment created for the lavender community, or it's just bad timing?
Also, it was part of the issue where community opinion was ignored, so why also have no community involvement for this big step?
I am not a part of the moderator team so am not sure if moderators' involvement was there or not, but community involvement should have been there.