There seems to be some sort of discrepancy in reputation calculation. On my profile page it shows my total reputation as 41,819 and it shows a graph which goes back to February of this year, wherein the earliest point viewable on the graph shows my reputation as 33,264.
If this is the case then I would have had to have earned no less than 8,555 reputation this year (41,819 - 33,264) and probably even more since the graph doesn't seem to be including January.
Yet on the users tab when sorted by year it shows that I have only earned 7,855 reputation this year:
Similarly, the yearly league page shows that I have earned 7,855 reputation this year:
Unless I'm missing something these cannot both be mathematically correct. And I don't think it can simply be an issue of waiting for the next update or something like that, because the difference is a full 700 reputation (which at the rate I have been earning reputation is at least a few weeks).
So which location is displaying the wrong data? Or are they counting different things (e.g. including bounties, excluding lost reputation, etc.)?