I posted this as a question a moment ago and it was rightfully closed as duplicate, but here's my 2 cents:
I signed up for Stack Overflow the other day and so far everything's great.
I have two primary flows with the site, outside of asking a question:
- Read the "Most recent questions" page, looking for anything of interest.
- Click on a tag with which I am familiar, looking for questions I may be able to contribute to.
I have added [python] and [beginner] to my interesting tags list, and the highlighting this provides is very useful during flow 1. It is not so useful when I click on [python] for flow 2 purposes, for obvious reasons.
It is not only silly to look at a full page of highlighted entries when I obviously already know they will have a given tag; it is an active loss of a useful feature - any articles tagged both [python] and [beginner] will not be differentiated visually, when clearly it would be nice if they were.