I just got a question closed as "not programming related". The question boils down to, "What good APIs are available for accessing information related to politics in the US?" Commenters speculated that perhaps web-based APIs were not considered fair game. This doesn't seem right to me, since there are tons of questions about the Google Translate API, Yahoo Query API, APIs in general, etc., etc.
Is it an issue of "is there an X to do Y", as opposed to "how do I use this specific X to do Y", not being allowed generally on the site? Or is it that this sort of question ought to be community wiki? Or something else entirely? None of the close voters seem to have left comments, so any insights are appreciated.
(Yes, it's yet another why-was-my-question-closed topic! In my defense, I'm not the only one confused, commenters on the topic also seem to be stymied.)