Over the past week or so, I've run into some accounts that seem questionable. I understand that they may not actually be sock puppets as defined below, but they do appear to be users masking their actual account to avoid reprisals for making "rude or unkind" comments.
What are the rules governing multiple accounts (i.e. sockpuppets)?
The first one I ran into was a comment on this answer, where I made a reply to user 134121. The comments were then turned into a chat room, where the username for that comment turned into fredsbend, and you can still see this by looking on the right hand pane of the chat, where it lists fredsbend as the author of a comment now attributed to user 22286 in the chat thread.
As you can see, neither user 134121 or user 22286 have any other accounts on other stacks, and they don't have enough actions to warrant their reputation points. User fredsbend doesn't have a Workplace account, or any other account, so how can they have posted a comment there?
On another site, I answered a question and got a comment from user76284, who also apparently doesn't have enough interactions for their reputation.
Maybe I don't have the reputation to see everything they are doing, but these accounts seem to be used for actions that go against normal SE/SO rules.
I've already flagged one comment as "rude or unkind", but that doesn't seem to cover how questionable these accounts seem to be. I've this read this question, but the answers don't seem to fit, since I don't have proof for questioning these account.
motosubatsu made a comment in the chat (linked previously) on how to report a moderator, but that doesn't seem to fit with reporting an apparent low rep user.
So my real question is: What can be done when we run into accounts like this?