Update #2
As promised, you can follow along for summarized updates on the work the stakeholder group is undertaking.
You can find that here
Update #1
Thank you to everyone who took the time to throw your hat in the ring. It looks like just about everyone was accepted. I have made invites to everyone who met the requirements.
Introducing the Community Stakeholders Group
We're excited to invite you to join the Community Stakeholders group for our new Prompt Design Stack Exchange site. (Please read the linked post first for more information about the site and its planned launch process.)
This group will be crucial to the site's success and ongoing development. As we bypass the Area 51 process and move directly to Public Beta, the Community Stakeholders will draft preliminary guidance, establish site norms, and set best practices from the outset. Activity that would have taken place during a private beta phase.
What Would Stakeholders Be Doing?
This group would be acting as the replacement for the committers phase in the typical Area 51 process. Specifically, they would think about the following:
- Site scope
- Off-topic questions
- Engagement initiatives
- Moderation
- Early moderation of the site (Moderation by appointment, or CMs moderate until an election can be held)
- Ethical boundaries for certain content types
- How to handle subjective content
What the stakeholder group is not
This group is not designed to replace moderators, curators, or anyone else. This group does not have binding power to govern the site, just the charter to do the groundwork so that it can be ready at launch – at which point the broader community is free to debate, dismantle, and create any site-specific policy, just like they would anywhere else.
We hope to create an active group, made up of the earliest supporters of having a Prompt Design site on SE. At this stage, we are experimenting to see how working with such a group may impact the site trajectory. These individuals are not granted any special tools or powers. This is just to help get a site off the ground.
How Will Community Managers (CMs) Be Involved?
CMs will be strong partners with the Stakeholder group, providing resources and support. They will hold recurring office hours for stakeholders to bounce ideas off of, plan out policy ideas, discuss moderation norms for the site's particular subject matter, or anything else that could be useful. While the Stakeholder group won't make permanent policy and governance decisions, they will lay temporary blueprints for the community to engage with and modify once the site launches.
Who Should Join the Community Stakeholders Group?
We're looking for people who are excited about a new site in a new field and are interested in working closely with CMs. You don't need to be a moderator, curator, or the most seasoned user – you just need to be in good standing on the network, passionate, committed, and willing to get your hands dirty forming a community. You also don’t need to be an expert on prompt design or using GenAI, but you should be interested in the topic.
How Will the Community Stakeholders Group Operate?
We'll keep the process as transparent as possible. Meetings will be annotated, notes published, and chat transcripts viewable publicly. We will keep a living record on MSE in one post where all of this will live and be continually updated until the conclusion of the stakeholder group.
We expect the need for the group's existence and its relevance to decrease after the first few months as the community stabilizes, with members assimilating into the site's community as active users and moderators. We see this group as a temporary one to help get the site off the ground; at some point, the group will be no longer needed and shut down.
How to Join the Community Stakeholders Group
If you're interested in joining, and you have a reputation score of 300 or more on any site in the network and have been in good standing for the past year, feel free to post an answer to throw your hat in the ring; please tell us about yourself and why you think you'd be a good fit. Consider addressing the following points in your answer:
- Passion for the site's topic
- Commitment to fostering a positive, inclusive, and productive environment
- Willingness to collaborate and contribute to the site's growth and development
We will select some people to start with, and as things progress, we may add more members.
How will I know if I am selected?
Please have your submission in by the end of the day on July 4th UTC time. We will update this post on July 5th, 2023 to announce who has been selected and then formally invite them into the various spaces to begin work.