I know that I can grant permission of an application to do something with my account on the network. What can and cannot an application do if I allow it? For example, if I see a description like:

  • Identify your account
  • Access your private actions and information
  • Create and change content on your behalf
  • Read your global inbox
  • Keep these permissions perpetually

How can I figure out exactly what this encompasses?


1 Answer 1


The Stack Exchange API offers a number of things an application can do. This description is going to be light on technical details as those can be looked up in the documentation. However, we still need to cover the basics:

What is authorisation?

The API can be used anonymously but with limitations. An application can ask to be authorised which will soften these limitations. The authorisation allows it to act as a given user. This can help with traceability of actions but also can open up new actions that could not be used anonymously.

An application can ask a user to authorise it. This is an explicit action where the user will need to confirm.


Authorisations come with scopes. Each time an application asks for access, it has to explicitly list which scopes it wants access to. This could also be none (which limits the amount of things that can be done). The scopes are:

  • read_inbox1 - access a user's global inbox
  • no_expiry1 - access_token's with this scope do not expire
  • write_access1 - perform write operations as a user
  • private_info1 - access full history of a user's private actions on the site
  • manage_collective_recommendations2 - access recommending a post in a Collective
  • manage_collective_reports1 - access to reports by Collectives

Which action requires which scope (if any) is documented further down.

1 from the API documentation 2 only documented at individual actions


Access to an application will be limited in time unless the no_expiry grant is requested. With it, the access will be perpetual.

Manual revocation

As a user, you can always revoke access you have given to an application:

  1. Go to your user profile (on any site).
  2. Go to the Settings tab.
  3. Go to Authorized applications on the right.

From here you can de-authorise any application you have have used at any point.

Write access

An application can request write access at which point it will be able to do actions in the user's name. For example, posting or flagging will require write access.

This can be dangerous, so accept it with caution.

However, do keep in mind the following:

  • If the application needs to do any one action that require write access, it still can only request write access to everything. For example, if the application only seeks to delete a comment, it cannot do that without also be able to post answers.
  • As a user, you can always revoke access at any time.
  • Write access is still monitored for abuse. Applications found to abuse it can have its access invalidated it without the users needing to do anything.

What can the API do?

This is information available from the overview as well as the detailed information for each method. Formatted as a single table for convenience.

Stack Exchange API v2.3

API endpoint Description Authorisation required? Scope required
answers Get all answers on the site. - -
answers/{ids} Get answers identified by a set of ids. - -
answers/{id}/accept Casts an accept vote on the given answer. auth required write_access
answers/{id}/accept/undo Undoes an accept vote on the given answer. auth required write_access
answers/{ids}/comments Get comments on the answers identified by a set of ids. - -
answers/{id}/delete Deletes the given answer. auth required write_access
answers/{id}/downvote Casts a downvote on the given answer. auth required write_access
answers/{id}/downvote/undo Undoes a downvote on the given answer. auth required write_access
answers/{id}/edit Edits the given answer. auth required write_access
answers/{id}/flags/options Returns valid flag options for the given answer. auth required -
answers/{id}/flags/add Casts a flag on the given answer. auth required write_access
answers/{ids}/questions Gets all questions the answers identified by ids are on. - -
answers/{id}/upvote Casts an upvote on the given answer. auth required write_access
answers/{id}/upvote/undo Undoes an upvote on the given answer. auth required write_access
answers/{id}/recommend Casts a recommendation on the given answer. auth required write_access and manage_collective_recommendations
answers/{id}/recommend/undo Undoes an recommendation on the given answer. auth required write_access and manage_collective_recommendations
answers/{id}/suggested-edit/add Creates a suggested edit on an existing answer. auth required write_access
badges Get all badges on the site, in alphabetical order. - -
badges/{ids} Get the badges identified by ids. - -
badges/name Get all non-tagged-based badges in alphabetical order. - -
badges/recipients Get badges recently awarded on the site. - -
badges/{ids}/recipients Get the recent recipients of the given badges. - -
badges/tags Get all tagged-based badges in alphabetical order. - -
collectives Get all Collectives on the site, in alphabetical order. - -
collectives/{slugs} Get Collectives identified by a set of slugs. - -
collectives/{slugs}/questions Get questions identified by a set of slugs. - -
collectives/{slugs}/answers Get answers identified by a set of slugs. - -
collectives/{slugs}/tags Get tags identified by a set of slugs. - -
collectives/{slugs}/users Get users identified by a set of slugs. - -
collectives/{slugs}/reports Get reports identified by a set of slugs. auth required manage_collective_reports|{slug}
collectives/{slugs}/reports/add Creates a new report request for the Collective auth required -
comments Get all comments on the site. - -
comments/{ids} Get comments identified by a set of ids. - -
comments/{id}/delete Delete a comment identified by its id. auth required write_access
comments/{id}/edit Edit a comment identified by its id. auth required write_access
comments/{id}/flags/add Casts a flag on the given comment. auth required write_access
comments/{id}/flags/options Returns valid flag options for the given comment. auth required -
comments/{id}/upvote Casts an upvote on the given comment. auth required write_access
comments/{id}/upvote/undo Undoes an upvote on the given comment. auth required write_access
events Get recent events that have occurred on the site. Effectively a stream of new users and content. auth required -
info Get information about the entire site. - -
posts Get all posts (questions and answers) in the system. - -
posts/{ids} Get all posts identified by a set of ids. Useful for when the type of post (question or answer) is not known. - -
posts/{ids}/comments Get comments on the posts (question or answer) identified by a set of ids. - -
posts/{id}/comments/add Create a new comment on the post identified by id. auth required write_access
posts/{id}/comments/render Renders a hypothetical comment on the given post. - -
posts/{ids}/revisions Get revisions on the set of posts in ids. - -
posts/{ids}/suggested-edits Get suggested edits on the set of posts in ids. - -
privileges Get all the privileges available on the site. - -
questions Get all questions on the site. - -
questions/{ids} Get the questions identified by a set of ids. - -
questions/{ids}/answers Get the answers to the questions identified by a set of ids. - -
questions/{id}/answers/add Creates an answer on the given question. auth required write_access
questions/{id}/answers/render Renders a hypothetical answer to a question. - -
questions/{id}/close/options Returns valid flag options which are also close reasons for the given question. auth required -
questions/{ids}/comments Get the comments on the questions identified by a set of ids. - -
questions/{id}/delete Deletes the given question. auth required write_access
questions/{id}/downvote Casts a downvote on the given question. auth required write_access
questions/{id}/downvote/undo Undoes a downvote on the given question. auth required write_access
questions/{id}/edit Edits the given question. auth required write_access
questions/{id}/favorite Bookmarks the given question. (Previously known as "favoriting" a question) auth required write_access
questions/{id}/favorite/undo Undoes bookmarking the given question. (Previously known as "favoriting" a question) auth required write_access
questions/{id}/flags/add Casts a flag on the given question. auth required write_access
questions/{id}/flags/options Returns valid flag options for the given question. auth required -
questions/{ids}/linked Get the questions that link to the questions identified by a set of ids. - -
questions/{ids}/related Get the questions that are related to the questions identified by a set of ids. - -
questions/{id}/suggested-edit/add Creates a suggested_edit on an existing question. auth required write_access
questions/{ids}/timeline Get the timelines of the questions identified by a set of ids. - -
questions/{id}/upvote Casts an upvote on the given question. auth required write_access
questions/{id}/upvote/undo Undoes an upvote on the given question. auth required write_access
questions/add Creates a new question. auth required write_access
questions/featured Get all questions on the site with active bounties. - -
questions/no-answers Get all questions on the site with no answers. - -
questions/render Renders a hypothetical question. auth required -
questions/unanswered Get all questions the site considers unanswered. - -
questions/unanswered/my-tags Get questions the site considers unanswered within a user's favorite or interesting tags. auth required -
revisions/{ids} Get all revisions identified by a set of ids. - -
search Search the site for questions meeting certain criteria. - -
search/advanced Search the site for questions using most of the on-site search options. - -
similar Search the site based on similarity to a title. - -
search/excerpts Searches a site. - -
suggested-edits Get all the suggested edits on the site. - -
suggested-edits/{ids} Get the suggested edits identified by a set of ids. - -
tags Get the tags on the site. - -
tags/{tags}/info Get tags on the site by their names. - -
tags/moderator-only Get the tags on the site that only moderators can use. - -
tags/required Get the tags on the site that fulfill required tag constraints. - -
tags/synonyms Get all the tag synonyms on the site. - -
tags/{tags}/faq Get frequently asked questions in a set of tags. - -
tags/{tags}/related Get related tags, based on common tag pairings. - -
tags/{tags}/synonyms Get the synonyms for a specific set of tags. - -
tags/{tag}/top-answerers/{period} Get the top answer posters in a specific tag, either in the last month or for all time. - -
tags/{tag}/top-askers/{period} Get the top question askers in a specific tag, either in the last month or for all time. - -
tags/{tags}/wikis Get the wiki entries for a set of tags. - -
users Get all users on the site. - -
users/{ids} Get the users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{ids}/answers Get the answers posted by the users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{ids}/badges Get the badges earned by the users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{ids}/comments Get the comments posted by the users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{ids}/comments/{toid} Get the comments posted by a set of users in reply to another user. - -
users/{ids}/favorites Get the questions bookmarked (previously known as "favorited") by users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{ids}/mentioned Get the comments that mention one of the users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{id}/network-activity Gets a user's activity across the Stack Exchange network. - -
users/{id}/notifications Get a user's notifications. - read_inbox
users/{id}/notifications/unread Get a user's unread notifications. - read_inbox
users/{ids}/posts Get all posts (questions and answers) owned by a set of users. - -
users/{id}/privileges Get the privileges the given user has on the site. - -
users/{ids}/questions Get the questions asked by the users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{ids}/questions/featured Get the questions on which a set of users, have active bounties. - -
users/{ids}/questions/no-answers Get the questions asked by a set of users, which have no answers. - -
users/{ids}/questions/unaccepted Get the questions asked by a set of users, which have at least one answer but no accepted answer. - -
users/{ids}/questions/unanswered Get the questions asked by a set of users, which are not considered to be adequately answered. - -
users/{ids}/reputation Get a subset of the reputation changes experienced by the users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{ids}/reputation-history Get a history of a user's reputation, excluding private events. - -
users/{id}/reputation-history/full Get a full history of a user's reputation. auth required private_info
users/{ids}/suggested-edits Get the suggested edits provided by users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{ids}/tags Get the tags that the users (identified by a set of ids) have been active in. - -
users/{id}/tags/{tags}/top-answers Get the top answers a user has posted on questions with a set of tags. - -
users/{id}/tags/{tags}/top-questions Get the top questions a user has posted with a set of tags. - -
users/{id}/tag-preferences Get a given user's tag preferences. auth required private_info
users/{id}/tag-preferences/edit Edit a user's tag preferences. auth required write_access and private_info
users/{ids}/timeline Get a subset of the actions of that have been taken by the users identified by a set of ids. - -
users/{id}/top-answer-tags Get the top tags (by score) a single user has posted answers in. - -
users/{id}/top-question-tags Get the top tags (by score) a single user has asked questions in. - -
users/{id}/top-tags Get the top tags (by score) a single user has posted in. - -
users/moderators Get the users who have moderation powers on the site. - -
users/moderators/elected Get the users who are active moderators who have also won a moderator election. - -
users/{id}/inbox Get a user's inbox. auth required read_inbox
users/{id}/inbox/unread Get the unread items in a user's inbox. auth required read_inbox
access-tokens/{accessTokens}/invalidate Allows an application to dispose of access_tokens when it is done with them. - -
access-tokens/{accessTokens} Allows an application to inspect access_tokens it has, useful for debugging. - -
users/{id}/achievements Get a user's recent network-wide achievements. auth required -
apps/{accessTokens}/de-authenticate Allows an application to de-authorize itself for a set of users. - -
errors Get descriptions of all the errors that the API could return. - -
errors/{id} Simulate an API error for testing purposes. - -
filters/create Create a new filter. - -
filters/{filters} Decode a set of filters, useful for debugging purposes. - -
inbox Get a user's inbox, outside of the context of a site. auth required read_inbox
inbox/unread Get the unread items in a user's inbox, outside of the context of a site. auth required read_inbox
notifications Get a user's notifications, outside of the context of a site. auth required read_inbox
notifications/unread Get a user's unread notifications, outside of the context of a site. auth required read_inbox
sites Get all the sites in the Stack Exchange network. - -
users/{ids}/associated Get a user's associated accounts. - -
users/{ids}/merges Get the merges a user's accounts has undergone. - -

What about that bulleted point list in the question?

  • Identify your account

It will require you, as a user, to authenticate the application.

  • Access your private actions and information

The application will request the private_info scope.

  • Create and change content on your behalf

The application will request the write_access scope.

  • Read your global inbox

The application will request the read_inbox scope.

  • Keep these permissions perpetually

The application will request the no_expiry scope, thus can keep this access until it is revoked.

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