I've posted two questions now. Very specific ones at that. They were being answered by people who understood the question and doing so with reasonable and helpful answers.
Yet I see this message over and over again:
closed as not a real question by spender, CMS, Gaby, gnovice, Jonathan Sampson♦ 56 mins ago
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form.
It's driving me nuts!
Now, if you want to close and/or delete this question for being so in your face that you can smell the back of my head, that's fairly reasonable.
But I find it insincere for you to keep closing questions I ask about my website.
Is that vague? No, it's not.
I wanted an overall general opinion on the design of my website. I didn't want only opinions on my clock script or my window script. I wanted opinions about the entire thing. So why would I write it any other way?
Stop closing my posts, gods dammit! I was getting lots of feedback. Now I'm not thanks to it being closed.