What's the right course of action for cross-site duplicates?
There are two flavors:
A question is posted which belongs on another site and ends up already having been asked there. I can't find an example right now, but it's bound to happen soon if it hasn't already.
The same question is posted in two places at the same time. Take this SO question for example, which is a duplicate of this SF question, posted within a half hour of each other by the same user.
Possible actions:
- Move it to the proper site and close it once it gets there as a duplicate.
- Provide a way to close it right away as a cross-site duplicate, without moving it first.
- Flag it and let a moderator merge them.
- Close it as "no longer relevant" or something else.
Additionally, flavor 2 is a bit of a special case; perhaps the question really spans both sites in terms of content and intended audience. Should multiple-postings in this case be allowed? If so, should they somehow be linked to each other? If not, how do we avoid a migration war?