This is the announcement post of the Stack Exchange Data Explorer. Its answers were meant to iron out the initial glitches 6 to 8 years ago.
If you have found a bug or need support today with any of SEDEs features, please ask a new question and tag it with data-explorer
What does it do?
Allows you to run arbitrary SQL queries on the data dumps, and share those queries with your friends.
Technical details
It is hosted on the Stack Exchange infrastructure , the database is hosted on the same SQL Server version all other sites are hosted on. You can use most of the TSQL commands, even create temporary objects (but not User Defined Functions).
The controls used are jQuery based, the grid is flexigrid SlickGrid.
All query results are cached, so sharing a link to a query will not result in the server going in to a tailspin.
The query edit control is a slightly modified CodeMirror control, I also am considering bespin cause the inter iframe communication is nasty complicated. It gives up nice syntax highlighting for queries.
There is support for parameterized queries, to get it to work name your params like ##this##
. For example have a look here.
Query name and description
A query can have a name and description, to name it lead with a comment, to describe it continue commenting, for example:
-- This is my query name
-- This is my description
-- I can span multiple lines
Anonymous users can initially name a query, but can not change the names of any existing queries.
There's a not so well-known tutorial which helps you getting started in writing your own SQL queries.
Logging in
You can use your openid provider to log in, at the moment once logged in we will track the list of queries you execute (giving you basic history support)
Also if there are any params named UserId
they will be populated automatically if your EmailHash matches the one on the site being queried.
Magic columns
If you alias an id column with as [Post Link]
it will automatically create a link in the result set to the parent site. Similarly if you alias an id column with as [User Link]
it will display a link to the user page. select top 10 * from Posts
will show you how tags are done. (Magic columns for images is planned) example (most controversial posts: )
So what are you waiting for, check it out at
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I hope to have the login section working fairly soon and allow voting on the best queries and commenting.
Featured Queries
At the moment, admins have permission to feature interesting queries on this page, I am looking for better ways to manage the huge query list that is building up.