Sarcasm, unfortunately, is something that does not translate well, and may be easily misunderstood in text. While sarcasm is a form of communication, it's simply not a very good one because it relies on common assumptions and is underpinned by emotions. You can't easy convey emotions in text, and you can't assume anything about a random reader's background when they reach the site from Google.
Few things can be said sarcastically that can't also be said in a clear way and thus reach more people.
On a technical website sarcasm should be used sparingly, if ever, and only when the intent and joke is blatantly obvious to people of all backgrounds. Sarcasm should not be used to convey important technical information - even the most blatant sarcasm is often opaque to a speaker new to English.
If sarcasm appears on a question or answer, call it out in the comments, edit it (sarcasm tags work well), etc, if only for the benefit of those poor sarcastically impaired folk.
Also consider donating your excess rep to the sarcasm therapy foundation, where thousands of people are helped each day to understand, and more importantly integrate, sarcasm into their daily use of English. Just 3 rep a day can help boys like little Bartholomeus here come to terms with the subtleties of English as she is spoke: