As one person also invested in Gaming, I know just how you are feeling. It's these kind of discussions that made me ask whether we would have the Third Place in time for the Beta. The general discussion has always been that the early parts of the Beta Phase will be where we nail down things like the FAQ, site policies, design knikwacks, and other portions. I think that with Gaming specifically, we will spend a lot of time discussing the tagging we will have to do, and how we plan to handle it. I personally like "per game" but then tagging the game Mukashi Mukashi Arutokoro ni Totetsumonaku Naka no Warui Twintail no Shimai Himesama ga Irasshaimashitatosa
would be a nightmare (thankfully, I doubt we'd ever get questions about that game).
So to that end, as Robert explains in the linked post, we will have our Meta to discuss these kinds of issues. Personally, I find it will be a suitable domain for this task, though I think that extending that private beta be a bit longer than 1 week might help. Just for structure purposes.
We're hurt less by the time in Commitment Phase than it is the wait for the Beta Phase to be ready. I think that we don't need necessarily to improve the Commitment Phase because it won't necessarily be as long in the future.