I think you Jeff should really fix this: When you are such a noob user (as i am) and you cannot edit directly other people questions, you can provide an edit that will be moderated(?). Now, your edits will be minimum 6 characters long. In fact you could also edit this:
$php = "Something
$php = "Something";
adding just 2 characters edits. How? Where are we getting other 4 characters for the edit? Here:
$php = "Something";
You could probably think : "What? Are you stupid or what? Nothing changed!". Indeed we just added 4 spaces to that code that will make the edits character count up to 6.
Hypothetically one user could just add a (;) to the text and get that one precious reputation point.
Should we check the real edits?
PS: I have to admit i used this hack today, but it was for a serious purpose, please don't ban me :(