I've followed the advice of this possible duplicate so far: Is it ok to flog people for circumventing the minimum answer size?
There may be other similar questions asked, but I've seen none that explains the rules.
Also, I'd like to know the degree of difference (if there is one) between "visible" limit-filling in order to provide a short answer like yes or no vs. injecting hidden HTML code into the answer to do the same thing; if one is "kosher" and the other is abuse of the site.
Here's an example of the HTML injection (no, he didn't invent it, he copied the idea from someone else). Is a += b more efficient than a = a + b in C?
I would also like to know as part of the answer if it's considered OK for some things (questions, comments) and not for others; if it's OK when a high-rep user or moderator does it but not when a newcomer does it in his first post.
Clarification: While there are opinions for and against, answers for or against doesn't help even if they have motivations for the opinion that help make the subject clearer.
The answers so far have helped making the subject clearer. I will add what I feel to be the solution, but I will not mark it as the answer if someone offers a better one and not if you guys explain how bad it is :)
This question definitely seems to be about polls rather than rules, but it shouldn't be that way.