When migrating a question to another Stack Exchange site, the full edit history of the question and its answers is lost.
I searched on meta, and, according to Jeff, this is "by design". I still want to make a case for why it should be kept.
As an example, a question I was participating on was recently migrated from Stack Overflow to IT Security. I had commented on some answer, which was heavily edited afterward. Now, parts of my comment makes less sense, and there is no way for people to look at what I was referring to.
Furthermore, clicking on the "migrated from stackoverflow.com 56 mins ago" link turns up a "Page not found". This means I cannot even look at the state of the question "pre-migration". Which is strange, since I believed that migrated questions were kept as closed on the origin website.
In a word, migrating a question lets you remove its edit history. I think it should be kept, if technically possible. If not, a closed version of the question should be kept on the website it originated from, with full edit history.
Note that if there were editors other than the original poster, removing their acknowledgements is a violation of the CC BY-SA license.