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Suggested Edits still in toolbar when limit is reached [duplicate]

Suggested Edits is different from other review items in that it displays in the SE toolbar with a highlighted number (at least it does on TeX.SE). However, when you have reached your daily maximum ...
Werner's user avatar
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Suggested Edits review queue notification after maximum limit reached [duplicate]

Having got a bit more information about the suggested edits notification in my previous question, I think I have one more question here. As you can see on my edited screenshot below, I am getting the ...
László Papp's user avatar
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'Suggested edits' notification displayed even though daily edit limit is reached [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Don’t show pending suggested edits to me after I run out of votes As a 10k user the 'suggested edits pending approval' notification is displayed to me: This notification is ...
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Remove suggested-edits notification [duplicate]

I find it distracting, so I decided to try get rid of it by doing 20 reviews, but it kept coming back. It should be enough that review is visible on every page right? It says there are 6 reviews ...
tshepang's user avatar
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Hide suggested edits indicator if done for the day [duplicate]

When I have completed all 20 Suggested Edits for the day, I still see the indicator in the top bar for new suggested edits. Perhaps this indicator should not appear once I'm "done for the day". Here ...
hayd's user avatar
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Stop showing "Suggesting Edits Pending Approval" when I'm past my quota [duplicate]

As a newly minted 10K rep user my status bar now has a few new icons. One of them indicates how many "Suggesting Edits Pending Approval" there are in the queue with a dark orange background. When I ...
Hooked's user avatar
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"suggested edits pending approval" notification should be hidden if you can't review edits [duplicate]

Today I have reviewed 20 edits, so I cannot review any more. However, that tempting little badge next to the "review" link in the top-right corner continues to update and be visible, which is somewhat ...
nneonneo's user avatar
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Suggested Edits notification still appearing in top bar even if I've already reviewed 20 that day [duplicate]

See screenshot: I imagine this happens with the other types of review tasks as well.
AlliterativeAlice's user avatar
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Don't show "review suggested edits" if you already reviewed 20 edits [duplicate]

I have hit 2,000 reps on Stack Overflow today (hooray!) and started reviewing suggested edits. After I reached the limit of 20 reviews, "review suggested edits" button is still showing in top bar, ...
nicael's user avatar
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Suggested edit count shown on toolbar when limit is reached [duplicate]

Suggested edit count shown on toolbar when limit is reached. r Here I have reached daily limit of 20 questions for suggested edits but there is indicator for that in tool bar. Also no indicator ...
Pranav Singh's user avatar
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Suggested edits pending approval indicator lights when I exceeded daily review limit [duplicate]

Recently top-bar started to feature indicator with number of pending reviews [actually it seems that it shows number of suggested edits approvals only, not sure]. That's good. But why does it appear ...
Martin Prikryl's user avatar
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Why "suggested edit pending approval" notification is there even after I have reached the daily limit [duplicate]

First of all, I have gone through this question. But I am not satisfied, and I do agree with "Reviewing is important to keep the quality of questions and answers high". My question is, why that ...
Raging Bull's user avatar
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Review counter still shows number when done reviewing the maximum amount a day [duplicate]

I mailed the Stack Overflow crew about this problem, they said they've not heard about it before and they redirected me to meta, so here I am. The review counter shows me the number 5, but I already ...
Max's user avatar
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why SO shows me posts to review if I am not allowed to review them? [duplicate]

I see and then I click and see what's the point of showing me how many articles are available to review if I can't review them? Wouldn't be better if it was shown only when some action could be ...
Leo's user avatar
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Little number for reviews available, but I've used up my 20/day [duplicate]

Okay, so today I burnt out all of my 20 reviews per day on all of the categories (except Late Answers). Then I go back to my answering work. And then I notice that the little orange number in the ...
Robin's user avatar
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