Linked Questions

13 votes
1 answer

Search for two tags (OR, not AND) [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search [tag1] OR [tag2] Add OR operator to SO URL's so multiple categories can be broswed at once I want to browse two tags simultaneously. That is to say, I want to see ...
Joseph Silber's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Advanced Search Options Syntax: Multiple Tags, And Vs. Or [duplicate]

I am hitting a tag for unanswered, open questions using [myTag]closed:0 answers:0 But I wanted to add another tag to the search. Unfortunately just doing: [myTag][myOtherTag]closed:0 answers:0 ...
Oorang's user avatar
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How do you search for [tag1] or [tag2] [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search [tag1] OR [tag2] I've seen a number of questions about how to search for two keywords using AND, since OR is the default. I've also seen questions about how to search ...
Peter's user avatar
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Searching for questions tagged with PHP or MySQL or JavaScript or [duplicate]

If you want to see question related to PHP you just need to type [PHP] in search box, and if you want to see any question which are tag by PHP and MySQL then I can search with [PHP][mysql]. But what ...
Suresh Kamrushi's user avatar
2 votes
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Search by tag [x] OR [Y] [duplicate]

Is there a way to find results that match either one tag or another (with or without a keyword included?) For example searching [x] [y] will return content with both [x] and [y] - can I preform a ...
dax's user avatar
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Searching for questions tagged A *or* B [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search [tag1] OR [tag2] How can you search for questions tagged A or B? Searching for A B finds questions that contain A or B, but not tagged as such. While searching for [A]...
Qtax's user avatar
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Use OR operator in tagged question search? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search [tag1] OR [tag2] When performing a basic search, the default used operator is OR. For example, if I search for kitchen operator, results will contain the word kitchen ...
Otiel's user avatar
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Would like to filter by [tag:java] OR [tag:android] - (not AND!) [duplicate]

I find my self jumping between those the tags Java and Android very often while looking for new questions. I know that I can filter by tag1 AND tag2 like this:
donfuxx's user avatar
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Searching questions belonging to atleast one of the searched tags [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search [tag1] OR [tag2] In stackoverflow how do we search questions which are being tagged by atleast one of the tags mentioned in search box. For eg seaching [java][...
Ankur Mittal's user avatar
3 votes
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Logical-OR for tag filtering [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search [tag1] OR [tag2] At the moment, the way we can filter questions by tags allows us to request either the presence of a single tag (like [c++]), or the intersection, i.e. ...
Kerrek SB's user avatar
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Filter questions on Stack Overflow [tag] OR [tag] [duplicate]

Is it possible to define a filter on Stack Overflow to see only the newest questions for a set of tags? Now I have three different app-tabs in Firefox and one tab for a specific tag. For ...
Bas Prins's user avatar
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Search operators [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search [tag1] OR [tag2] I would like to search for questions about python OR django (and perhaps even NOT Ruby). Prior requests: Use OR operator in tagged question search? =...
RParadox's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to see questions with one of a set of tags? [duplicate]

If you put some tags inside the search field you will get the questions which include those tags. However, I want to search the questions which include those tags or just one of those tags. How can ...
Manolo's user avatar
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How can I OR tags without having to modify the URL? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search [tag1] OR [tag2] As a SO user, I'd like to see the list of questions tagged with any of a set of tags (let's say mysql and sql) order by descending date and being able ...
Mosty Mostacho's user avatar
1 vote
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OR behaviour on tags in Stack Overflow [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search [tag1] OR [tag2] Imagine I like C# and SQL, I'm thinking why does stack overflow show me all questions tagged with C# AND SQL? What I may like to see is questions ...
Mahdi Tahsildari's user avatar

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