Linked Questions

-9 votes
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Combined Flair of Stack Exchange doesn't get updated instantely [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Flair not updated Combined Flair is best thing to put on website, but it isn't updated in real-time. If not updated in real-time, 5-10 minutes would be OK. But, I notice that ...
user178465's user avatar
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Stack Overflow flair is returning incorrect reputation for clean theme only [duplicate]

I am trying to use the Stack Overflow flair, but only the clean theme is not returning the proper reputation. Is there a problem with this tag? Clean Theme: Others Themes [Returning proper ...
Venkatesh Achanta's user avatar
0 votes
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Change flair regularly [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why is my flair not updated with my actual reputation score? I am using flair of Stack Overflow on my site. But whenever my reputation on Stack Overflow increases or decreases,...
Mr_Green's user avatar
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-8 votes
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Display Badges in my profiler [duplicate]

I think this picture is self description my badges is wrong.Why?
Shahrooz Jafari's user avatar
2 votes
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Bug in Flair of Stack Overflow [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Flair not updated See attached image of my flair on Stack Overflow. You can see the problem: The flair shows a different a reputation value than the site. How can I solve ...
IT ppl's user avatar
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4 votes
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Unable to chat after the 20 reputation on stack overflow [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How long does it take for chat profiles to update? I have got the 27 reputation and for chat its require the 20 reputation but still i am getting the message that its ...
NullPoiиteя's user avatar
4 votes
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Flair reputation is 100 off on default theme

After answering this one, I noticed that this user's flair default theme's reputation is 100 off. Could be a bug?
YOU's user avatar
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Combined reputation on Area 51 is higher than the one shown in Stack Exchange flair

At one time Area 51 added all the sites' reputation. But it is not the case now if I am not mistaken. My reputation in Area 51 (in Health Proposal) is 1,447: But my flair from Stack ...
Animesh D's user avatar
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Why is the icon of my combined flair different than all my individual flairs?

When looking at this, I am a bit confused: In the combined flair, you see the hash of my old email address. Above (and this holds for every stackexchange site I have an account for), you see the hash ...
blubb's user avatar
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What's the rubric for flair updates?

Why does the combined participation flair not update at the same time that Stack Overflow specific flair does? I imagine because the combined would have to perhaps query multiple databases. Does ...
two7s_clash's user avatar
2 votes
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Live update of reputation does not update user card [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Real-Time updating changes my reputation at top, but not user card Just a minor note, when you accept an answer it updates the top of the screen but not the little icons ...
bobobobo's user avatar
  • 13.7k
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User flair doesn't show the full profile picture [duplicate]

I have the following issue for a long time now. Before I was thinking that this issue has something to do with a number of reputation points user has, but then the reputation started growing and the ...
Alex Ljamin's user avatar