Linked Questions

7 votes
1 answer

How to add line numbers to the code lines? [duplicate]

is it possible we have the option of adding line numbers to the beginnings of the code lines added to the questions and answers? This is a needed fonctionality especially when responding to the long ...
Rancs's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Line numbers in code [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why are there no line numbers in the code listings? Hi, Should not there be line numbers with the code samples in questions and answers? it makes it easier to refer in the ...
TheVillageIdiot's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to prepend line number for C++ code on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why are there no line numbers in the code listings? I want to display C++ code prepended with line numbers on Stack Overflow. The indented C++ code is formatted with Stack ...
user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

How can I enable Google Code Prettify linenums in SO syntax highlighting markup? [duplicate] does not say whether or how this is supported. I have not found anything about line numbering in What is syntax highlighting and how does it ...
stackunderflow's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Add line numbers to code sections? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why are there no line numbers in the code listings? Please add line numbers to code sections. It will help when discussing the code.
ob_dev's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

can I trade my hat against line numbers (with offset) in SO code samples? [duplicate]

That would be awesome. This feature would be a big win for collaboration.
stackunderflow's user avatar
77 votes
5 answers

Please return the comment rate limit to a flat 30 seconds

Recently, Jeff was inadvertently alerted to the fact that the rate limit on comments was a flat 30 seconds, and that users could button-mash their way to success. Apparently, this was not the original ...
John Rudy's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Why don't code blocks in Stack Exchange use word wrap by default?

Sometime when I view code on Stack Overflow and some lines are pretty long, I'll have to awkwardly scroll horizontally in order to view the rest of it and then scroll back and continue reading. ...
Ascendant's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Can we pretty please have a full screen mode for large code blocks?

This would be soo easy to implement with just a little bit of jquery... And, it would make reading large code blocks sooo much easier. Pretty please? I'll even write it...
smartcaveman's user avatar
  • 10.3k
7 votes
1 answer

Part 2: Line numbers for code blocks. How about a toggle feature?

Please note: I considered posting this as an answer to the initial thread, but I feel that this question warrants its own, targeted answer set. There's also a follow-up tag, so I figure I'm above the ...
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
-10 votes
3 answers

Should we discourage line numbers in code?

Related (but different) question: Why are there no line numbers in the code listings?. Some posters post blocks of code with line numbers. This generally does not make the code any easier to read (...
Keith Thompson's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Displaying a visual length indicator on code blocks

Although line numbers in code have generally been discussed (for example, in Why are there no line numbers in the code listings?), one issue that has not come up is that the current code block style ...
Aaron Brager's user avatar
-16 votes
2 answers

How I can downvote the acceptation

Well, I want to downvote the acceptation of an answer. How I can do that? ps. I don't want to downvote the answer, I want to downvote the acceptation. For example in this question I think that the ...
Rancs's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Code snippets numbering lines with Number Anchors

This topic has been discussed before in Why are there no line numbers in the code listings?. The most powerful reason that prevents the implement of line numbers is changing code lines numbers and ...
SaidbakR's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Link to line in code snippet

When sharing code from Github with people, I can get a link to the exact line, which helps with clarity when I'm bringing attention to something specific. I would like to do the same when linking ...
Louis's user avatar
  • 41

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