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Does notification in comment work for gold tag badge holders if they are not the only person that reopened/closed a question? [duplicate]

The answer for the question How do comment @replies work? states the following: For questions: The moderator or gold badge holder who closed or reopened the question, provided they were the only one ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
15 votes
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No notification for comment reply when using Dupe Hammer along with other close voters

User who cast a binding close vote on a question should be notified when someone comment-reply him/her, even without ever leaving a comment. This still works fine when I am the only close voter, e.g. ...
Shadow Wizard's user avatar
26 votes
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Dupehammer creates and deletes a comment, causing notifications to go out

The dupehammer is a good system. But when a gold badge holder closes a question, a comment still gets created on the voter's behalf, even though it will be immediately deleted by the system due to the ...
Mooseman's user avatar
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