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17 votes
2 answers

Is mass-accepting answers from the same user to drive up rep acceptable?

Similar questions have been asked, for instance: Is there some mechanism for preventing a two-person team from farming rep? This situation, however, is a little different: I ran this query for "...
pschueller's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Is it okay to mark an answer as 'Accepted' when I can't test it?

I asked a technical question on I got a very good answer, but because I made many technical changes to my environment before I read the answer, I'm no longer in a position where ...
Magnus's user avatar
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-23 votes
3 answers

There is a problem of laziness or "disappearance" of the person who asks the question [duplicate]

From my observation, many people ask something and simply go away. They sometimes even receive 3–4 answers, take the codes, and run away without commenting anything, without voting anything, and ...
Ali Çarıkçıoğlu's user avatar