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How do I disassociate a question from my account? [duplicate]

Say I asked a question that gained some attention but also want to not be connected to the question in case my workplace stumbles upon it since it questions the company I'm working for. How can I ...
Brian Leishman's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I remove a question with accepted answer or withdraw my ownership to that question? [duplicate]

My motive behind this might seem unclear, so I'll try to explain myself. I've asked questions in Stackoverflow community in the past three years that now after a while seem very 'dumb' to myself. I ...
Nojan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Unlinking a question from my account [duplicate]

I have some questions with accepted and/or upvoted answers, which I would like to no longer associate with my account. I know it is impossible to actually delete them. The rationale behind that is ...
Aber Kled's user avatar
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6 votes
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How can someone remove a question from his account but not from the site? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I remove my name from a post, in accordance with CC:WIKI? I know that this question was asked by which user. But now, that question is removed from his account but the ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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