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Is there a way to get just my privilege to (in)validate flags in chat revoked? [duplicate]

Because I have 40.3K rep across all Stack Exchange sites, I get that blue orb above my avatar whenever someone flags something in chat, with the options to validate or invalidate a chat flag. I don't ...
Nzall's user avatar
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Can we have a reprieve on the ads for other activities apart from rep?

I have quite a few helpful flags on many of the Stack Exchange site. But I have low rep on most of these sites, as I only go there to help flag spam and abusive posts found in charcoal HQ There are ...
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Flagging privilege help center page is outdated

Flagging options were recently re-worded network-wide. Good. However, the network-wide help center page on the flagging privilege retains the old wording and screenshots of it. (MSE | SO | LH) ...
Mooseman's user avatar
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14 votes
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One of two Help Center pages on flagging is incomplete and mostly redundant

The Help Center page What if I see someone doing something bad? attempts to explain flagging (In fact its path is /help/flagging.) It falls short of the goal, though: To flag a post that is neither ...
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How to act with a user that just doesn't care

Those rules we discuss everyday. We have established rules on the network and it seems to me that it is important to follow them. Some rules are there for good reason some are up to discussion on ...
ʞunɥdɐpɐɥd's user avatar
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Can users with more than 10k reputation flag?

Reading Privileges - Access to moderator tools Users lacking the vote to close privilege can still ask questions to be closed through flagging. Additionally, all users can flag answers to ...
fedorqui 'SO stop harming''s user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible for a post to be actually flagged six times?

I know that sounds rather simple, but if you read the privileges page, you will find out that: The offensive and spam flags are designed to automatically eliminate truly offensive posts through the ...
Thursagen's user avatar
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