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"Help with" title restriction present in edit, but not original posting

I was just trying to remove some of the noise from this question, then it complained that "Help with" may not appear in the title. It seems like a bug that there's a restriction in editing that's not ...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Editing a question title with the term "problem" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Using the word “problem” in titles Let users with sufficient reputation use “problem” in titles I found this question: How do I resolve the "...
jackJoe's user avatar
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I can't edit a question when the title already exists, but I can ask?

I was trying to edit this question and it gave me this error: The other question is Java heap space out of memory. Indeed, it has an identical title, but if I can't submit an edit because the title ...
NullUserException  อ_อ's user avatar