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Questions tagged [self-answer]

Questions also answered by the user asking, easily marked by the shaded user card attached to the answer.

2 questions from the last 365 days
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-11 votes
1 answer

Should the poster of a question be able to mark their self-answers after 2 days automatically?

After the poster finds an answer and posts it, they have to wait 2 days to mark it as the answer. Should Stack Exchange provide a button or option to automatically mark it as the answer after 2 days, ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Enable marking posts as answered on a different site? It seems like a good idea to me [duplicate]

Recently I asked a question on Stack Overflow, but then found an answer on Computer Science Stack Exchange, so I posted a link in a comment (I would have felt bad answering my own question with a link ...
ACertainArchangel's user avatar