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Using blockquote in chat doesn't work when it's part of a text block [duplicate]

In the chat, when using a blockquote markup after a line of text, the blockquote doesn't render. For example, if I try: text: > quote I get this: What's the correct way to use it in this case?
HeyJude's user avatar
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How do you type `\` inside a codeblock in chat?

I showed someone in the Bridge how to make a shrug emoji (¯\_(ツ)_/¯) and while discussing the use of backticks, code blocks and backslashes in markdown, I realized that it's impossible to type ...
Nzall's user avatar
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Chat removes ´ when trying to type code to someone

I am not sure if this should be a bug report or a feature request. I am trying to help someone and I keep trying to type `name` `=` 'Group project drive' but the ´ are being removed making it hard ...
DaImTo's user avatar
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Syntax for chat messages?

Chat messages do not seem to support markdown like questions and answer on websites - at least not fully. Where can I find the full syntax supported in chatroom messages?
einpoklum's user avatar
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Can't put backslash into backticks in chat [duplicate]

I have recently found in chat that you cannot put backslashes in backticks without them showing and it disappearing: Why is this so? If you put another letter in with it though it works as would be ...
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Strikethrough in chat uses obsolete HTML strike element

So... in chat, when we use the strike-through text like this with ---this---, it is wrapped in the strike tags which are now obsolete. This is extremely irritating! Why not use s or del? (I would ...
user3459110's user avatar
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Is this intended (* in chats)

It is stated in the stackoverflow FAQ: *italic* or _italic_ **bold** or __bold__ so when I type three * followed by a word followed by another three * I ...
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Why didn’t formatting work in this chat message? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Markdown in chat fails for multi-line messages I tried using multiple lines in this chat message, but basic formatting, like inline code and a link, wasn’t applied. What rule did ...
s4y's user avatar
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