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12 votes
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Voted to close, moments later all close votes are gone, can't re-vote

The question in question. I voted to close as Not A Real Question, becoming the third or fourth voter to do so. After commenting on an answer, I reloaded to find there were no close votes listed. ...
Charles's user avatar
  • 13.2k
3 votes
1 answer

Why am I sometimes not allowed to select an off-topic migration destination? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Closing question as off-topic has no options to move to another site (main SO) I've noticed this a lot recently, that when there are already close votes on a question, it ...
animuson's user avatar
  • 190k
2 votes
1 answer

Can't retract dupe Close vote if the post closed in reverse order [duplicate]

Recently I casted a Close vote on this post How to disable sort in DataGridView? as a dupe of this post Best way to disable the column header sorting in DataGridView. Later the moderator Cody Gray ...
Optimus Prime's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What does gold badge icon near user marked question as duplicate mean [duplicate]

Recently this question was marked by duplicate. Screenshot: I see an icon of gold badge near user marked question as duplicate (j08691). And how did he marked it as duplicate alone, not being a ...
nicael's user avatar
  • 34.7k